
Fastest Unit Converter & Calculator

Calvertr2 is the comprehensive, simplest, customizable, and most usable unit converter and calculator app in the market. 

Calvertr2 - screens

Intuitive unit conversion application developed especially for a range of people in Finance, Plumber, Cook, Students, Scientists, Businessmen, or any person with specialty occupation who needs conversion of any kind.


Perform your important calculations using easy to use custom calculator interface. Attach notes to any calculation and share with your friends through different social media platforms.

Saved Conversions

Saved Conversions

Swipe left in the conversion screen and add your preferred unit combinations into the saved conversions list for future reference. Automatically get the list of your conversions performed on Widget & Apple Watch and access them with the fewest taps.

Categories & Units 

Categories & Units 

Inclusion of over 1400 UNITS in the range of 52 CATEGORIES. Tap on the category icon to add into your favorite list and get the fastest access to all your favorite categories. Mark your most important units as favorites from the conversion screen and use it anytime for faster conversion.

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Download Calvertr - the fastest Unit Converter & Calculator App.

Converter: Unit Conversion

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Built-in the intelligent calculator and unit converter

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